PACT has been funded by the European Commission to promote awareness for communication and training targeting professionals and institutions that actively work in the support chain for women and children survivors of violence. PACT promotes collaboration among stakeholders, offers training and builds a European network of expertise in the field of violence against women and children.
As announced in our August newsletter, we are currently planning our final conference which will take place on December 2nd, 2011, in Kaunas, Lithuania. After the successful event in Lisbon, where representatives of seven national pilots met for a two-day workshop, we hope that this final conference will meet as much interest.
Fortunately this final event is not the end to a successful partnership and team work: four partners have started a new project called E-MARIA (European Manual on Risk Assessment) dealing above all with developing and testing a manual on risk assessment both for professional and victims of domestic violence. In this context we are keen on gathering additional data from professionals working in the field of domestic violence. For this purpose we have developed a questionnaire that is accessible here:
Your contribution will be highly appreciated!
BUPNET GmbH, Göttingen, Germany
Sabine Wiemann, Ines Polzin
AMCV, Lisbon, Portugal
Sandra Paulos, Petra Viegas
Social Innovation Fund, Kaunas, Lithuania
Liudmila Mecajeva, Diana Basinskaite
Orizzonte, Città della Pieve, Italy
Margarete Berg
Opportunities Aid Foundation, St. Julians, Malta
Antoine Gambin, Christina Demicheli
Centre for Continuing Education, Sopot, Poland
Urszula Hadrych, Sylwia Knot
die Berater, Vienna, Austria
Franz Moticka