Promoting Awareness for Cooperation and Training in the Field of Domestic Violence

PACT builds on the experience gathered in the Grundtvig 1.1 project BACKGROUND (2006-2008). The BACKGROUND project team, consisting of nine partner organisations in eight European countries, developed a European training course aiming at improving competences of adult education staff in the area of violence against women in different institutional environments on a European level. The course was delivered four times in different locations. The general feedback highlighted special interest in a European exchange of best practice in the field of domestic violence and the need of further training opportunities for stakeholders in the field of domestic violence.

PACT provides educational and vocational counselling services and training for staff members of different institutions that actively work in the support chain for women survivors of violence with special focus on trainers, teachers, police staff, social workers in public administration and NGOs.
The main objective is to sustainably improve the support chain of survivors of violence all over Europe with the main purpose to support a larger number of children and women survivors of violence all over Europe.
To this end a comprehensive training approach was developed, tested and disseminated. The approach is a blended one: elements of e-learning are integral parts of the service, as information and communication technologies have a high transferability and dissemination potential. Through the use of ICT it is possible to improve the exchange of experience on a European level and provide support to the various stakeholders.

The PACT project involves institutions that actively work in the support chain for women survivors of violence with special focus on trainers, teachers, police staff, social workers in public administration and NGOs. The final target groups include women survivors of violence living in Europe.