The following main activities were carried out between January 2010 and December 2011:

Comprehensive stocktaking and needs analysis in order to:

  • identify current practice, legal implications (punished acts, institutions implementing the law, fields covered by the law), intervention models in the partner countries;
  • analyse existing education and training in the field of domestic violence with view to content, methodologies, good practice, ICT support;
  • identify fields of improvement in the support chain for victims of DV by putting a special focus on networking aspects of different stakeholders in the support chain.

To complement the research each partner established contacts to local stakeholders and conducted interviews aiming at defining their specific needs and wishes with regard to the training and counselling modules to be developed.

Development of a kit for training with e-learning elements:

On the basis of the results of the stocktaking and needs analysis, a training programme with e-learning elements geared to different levels of experience was developed jointly by the project partners.

Basically, the kit shall help stakeholders to:

  • understand what constitutes an abusive relationship and develop skills in interviewing survivors and assessing risk;
  • understand resources available to survivors within the community and the legal/criminal justice system, with particular attention to national laws and resources;
  • gain an understanding of the perpetrator – including theories about why they abuse, appropriate interventions and how to assess future risk of abuse;
  • establish a platform for information as a prerequisite of mutual understanding and presentation of good practice in the field of domestic violence at a regional, national and European level.

Testing of training modules

The local associated partners tested the training programme consisting of three main parts:

  • initial face-to-face workshop;
  • e-learning phase accompanied by a tutor with regular face-to-face workshops;
  • final European workshop with 1-2 representatives of associated partner institutions.

The piloting was documented and thoroughly evaluated. Thus, the potential areas of improvement were detected and the modules accordingly modified and finalised.

European networking activities

PACT puts a special focus on a European exchange among the involved associated partners. Respective communication tools are available on this website and an international workshop was organised in Lisbon in June 2011 to foster the exchange of good practice among European stakeholders in the field of domestic violence.